"Smile More"

“Smile More”

Having read a number of encouragements to smile, I asked myself some time ago the question, “Has our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ever smiled?” Not finding anything in my Bible concordance, I left it like that.

“A smile is a curve that puts a lot of things straight,” for example is written on one of our fridge magnets.

I know that “Smile! It improves your face value!” has been used as a church sign. “Smile if you love Jesus! Anyone can honk,” has also been used as a church sign.

I read also “Smile! It takes  72 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile.” But I don’t know if that is true.

My last one-liner is about laughter, “Laughter is a tranquiliser with no side effects.”

“There is no record anywhere of our Lord having laughed aloud, “says D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones almost at the end of his book on ROMANS. Exposition of Chapter 8:5-17, The Sons of God. I am reading that today in the last sermon of the book.

Does that not answer my question with which I started this post?