War Cry Giveaway

To win a copy of in Jesus’ Name, tell us how you experience God in your daily life.

I experience God in my daily life, when I am acting in accordance with His will.

First of all there is the Bible

Secondly there is the working of the Holy Spirit in  my hert.

Thirdly there are the outward circumstances.

When those three things  are in harmony, I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of God.


“BEHEMOTH” (Job 40:15)

“Behemoth” I am calling the huge thing. It entered the room I am working in not many days ago and looks monstrous. I am looking at it right now.

It replaced the old machine. The old machine was a really good product. I cannot even remember, when I bought it. All I know is that it was many many years ago. I really liked it and it was pleasant to look at. Or did I get used to it over the years? Even when the machine started to leak, it kept going. But eventually it happened, it died. It was a sad occasion, because I knew how to work it.

Slowly I am getting used to the “Behemoth.” The truth is that I like already the Brother printer HL – 3150CDN


Written some time ago:



“I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.”

We are reading that promise in Proverbs 4:11.

Yesterday was Friday and I experienced the truth of that promise in a special way. Or should I rather say that I had my eyes especially open to see the leading of the Lord?

I was trying hard to get hold of a Justice of the Peace to sign an important document. Straight away I went to the pharmacy where I usually go for things like that, only to find out that the man I wanted was away.

A lady customer in the shop I had never met before heard me talking about my problem and told me that they would stamp my document at the local courthouse. But instead to go straight to the courthouse  I went to three other places in town hunting for a Justice of the Peace without success.

Eventually I got my business done at the courthouse and I am still thankful to the Lord for the stranger at the pharmacy.

Last Sunday I was not successful in picking up a magazine at the local Salvation Army premises. The premises of the Salvation Army are almost beside the Post Office where I was just about to post my signed and stamped document.

But before doing so it came to my mind to go to the Salvation Army building to enquire after the magazine. Just about when I was entering the building the Corps Officer came towards me and told me that he had found the magazines for last week not all that long ago.

All the saints are rejoicing when they are thinking about the leading of the Lord.

Fanny Crosby is one of the saints and she gave us the beautiful hymn which begins like this:

“All the way my Saviour leads me,

What have I besides to ask?”

The Future Again



The Future AGAIN

A columnist writes in our local paper (BOOKS AND BITES, The Northland Age, Tuesday, May 20, 2014) about young people.

First of all he says that there are young people who feel that they do not have a Future.

And secondly he says that because of that they are not prepared to work for it.

What are we going to do about them? How can we help them? Do we have a message for them?

Of course we have a message for them. The message for them is in the BIBLE.

The Bible tells us about THE FUTURE GLORY OF BELIEVERS. Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have a glorious FUTURE. What does the Bible say about THE FUTURE GLORY OF BELIEVERS?

1. To be with the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:3).

2. To see his face (Psalm 17:15).

3. To see the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:24).

4. To be glorified with Christ (Romans 8:17,18).

5. To reign with the Lord Jesus Christ (Second Timothy 2:12).

6. To inherit all things ( Revelation 21:7)

7. To shine as the stars (Daniel 12:30)

We do not only have a message for young people who feel that they do not have a future.

We have a message for our  entire society, for everybody.

And that is the message in the BIBLE about THE FUTURE GLORY OF BELIEVERS in Jesus Christ.



Three times I am told that the plastic bag I am holding in my hand is “totally degradable”.

On the bag is says:

— “totally degradable plastic additives.”

— “100% degradable.”

— “This bag is totally degradable, in the interest of the environment.”

The environment is the natural world. We breathe the air. We see the land, the plants, the animals, and I love to walk along the seaside.

Ninety Mile Beach

Ninety Mile Beach

And an environmentalist is someone who is “concerned with the protection and preservation of the natural environment,” tells me the Collins English Dictionary.

Of course, I am not an environmentalist, but I am interested in the environment and I am also concerned with the protection and preservation of the environment.

But I am even more  concerned with the creator of the natural world.

You find the answer why I am much more concerned with the creator  of the natural world than with the natural world in the Bible.

The Bible says that “the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire,” but the creator of the natural world remains forever. He is eternal. He has neither beginning nor ending.


Please read Second Peter chapter three.


“Live Free,” was written in fancy letters on the front and on the back of the caravan I saw on the main street of our town today. I live in Kaitaia, in the Far North of New Zealand.

Te Ahu Centre in Kaitaia

Te Ahu Centre in Kaitaia

Unfortunately I did not have a chance to talk to the people sitting inside the caravan. The person on my side of the road talked to someone on the mobile phone.

There is a yearning in  all of us to “live free”.

The Redemption hymn, “Would you be free from your burden of sin?” comes to my mind. The hymn is written by Lewis E. Jones. The hymn writer gives us also the answer: “There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood, of the Lamb.”

In John 8:36 the Lord Jesus Christ says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

In John 1:29 John the Baptist, pointing to the Lord Jesus Christ says, “‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'”

I am really wondering now what the answer would have been if I would have asked the occupants of the caravan, “Are you living FREE?”

“PAGE 1800”



On page 1800 in the Bible I am reading at the present time it says:

“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.”

The apostle Paul says that in his letter to the Corinthians and then asks five questions.

With other words he says:

— that wickedness and righteousness have nothing in common.

— that light and darkness cannot have fellowship.

— that there is no harmony between Christ and Belial.

— that a believer has nothing in common with an unbeliever .

— that there is no agreement between the temple of God and idols.

What is very important?

Being on the same page.

Husband and wife want the same things. Husband and wife expect the same things.


Second Corinthians 6:14-16