Das Geschenk

“DEIN LEBEN IST EIN GESCHENK,” lese ich auf der Karte zu meinem Geburtstag. Dein Leben ist Gottes Geschenk.  Mein Geburtstag war am 16. Februar.

Die facebook Geburtstagskarte  sagt mir natuerlich, von wem die Karte ist und wo der Sender in Deutschland wohnt.

Ich weiss nicht viel ueber meinen Freund in Deutschland; aber ich weiss, dass er ein Bruder im Herrn ist, und das ist genug.

Warum schreibe ich dies eigentlich?

Wenn ich lese, “DEIN LEBEN IST EIN GESCHENK,” bin ich sehr sehr sehr ermutigt. Es ist das, was ich zur Zeit brauche.  Gelobt sei der HERR!

Ja, mein Leben ist das Geschenk vom Herrn. Es ist ja eigentlich das groesste Geschenk!

Moege ich nie vergessen: “DEIN LEBEN IST EIN GESCHENK.”

AUCKLAND: Rangitoto Island


At the beach

“We don’t need new laws or rules when such already exist but are not being applied.”

That is a short paragraph from a letter to the editor. (The Northern Advocate, Friday, February 17, 2017)

And I don’t think we need the context for a paragraph like that.

Reading that sentence reminds me again about what is on my mind already for a long time.

I have heard quite a bit and I have read quite a bit, but the big question is: “Have I applied, have I practiced all the things I have heard and read so far?”

I am asking myself also: “Has what I have heard and read changed my life?”

Is it not also logical to ask: “Why are you hearing and  reading more, you have not even applied and practiced all the things you have heard and read so far?”


“‘Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”’ (Matthew 7:24)


“‘But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.'” (Matthew 7:26)

Sermon Outline, OT, The Amplified Bible

The Cross

“But if you will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from  before you,

Numbers 33:55,56


then those you let remain of them

  1. shall be as pricks in your eyes, and
  2. as thorns in your sides, and
  3. they shall vex you in the land in which you dwell.


And as I thought to do to them, so will I do to you.”