Abstinence or Temperance?

Here is what two great men have said about alcohol:

Shakespeare said, “Alcohol is a poison men take into the mouth to steal away the brain.”

Abraham Lincoln said, “A cancer in human society, eating out its vitals and threatening its destruction.”

"on tear too many"

“one tear too many”

THE BIBLE SAYS: In Proverbs  23:29 the Bible asks six questions.

  1. “Who has anguish?
  2. Who has sorrow?
  3. Who is always fighting?
  4. Who is always complaining?
  5. Who has unnecessary bruises?
  6. Who has bloodshot eyes?”

In verse 30 of the same chapter we find the answer: “It is the one who spends long hours in the taverns, trying out new drinks.”

The most Scriptural answer to the above questions is complete abstinence. It is also the safest answer.