“Leew dee”

“Leew dee” came to my mind today and is still on my mind. I think one reason why “leew dee” came to my mind is that I have heard it many, many times in Thailand, while working there as a missionary.



Picture / Alan Collingwood

The meaning of “leew dee” is “(the choice) depends on, is up to, depends on whether.” I find that translation in the Thai-English Student’s Dictionary compiled by Mary R. Haas.

“Leew dee khun” means: It’s up to you!

What the Thais told us quite often was “Leew dee aacaan,” and then our name. Here is an example: It is up to teacher Jim. The meaning of “aacaan’ is teacher (who has a degree); professor.

The meaning of “Leew dee phracaaw” is: It is up to the Lord!

We want to hear more “Leew dee phracaaw” in the church today! It depends upon the Lord!