Golden Nugget – Sermon Outline (Topical)

“Be inspired by words…..”

Yes, I am inspired by words, even this morning. This morning  I am inspired by the words in Romans 8:38,39. I hope you are too! It is another beautiful Golden Nugget. I came across it just now in a book by C. H. Spurgeon. (Morning and Evening) Here we go:


Romans 8:38,39

For I am convinced that neither *

death nor (First Corinthians 15:26; First Corinthians 15:54,55)

Isaiah 25:8 “he will swallow up death forever.”

life, neither

angels nor

demons, neither the

present nor the

future, nor any

powers, neither

height nor

depth, nor

anything else in all creation,

will be able to separate us from the love of  God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What a good sermon outline for a topical sermon with ten points.

* Find verses from the BIBLE for the ten sermon points. The first is done.