“DEATH our nations number one killer”

“DEATH” I read on the front of the T – shirt of the teenager who came towards me on his skateboard. When I got talking to him he was pleased to let me read the whole sentence: ” DEATH our nations number one killer.”P1080188

I was anyway on my way to the Warehouse here in Kaitaia to buy something. I was so taken in with that writing on the T – shirt that I asked two shops assistents if they had T – shirts with that writing for sale. “No”, was the answer.

When I paid for my bottle of water at the checkout, I mentioned the T – shirt slogan to the checkout operator. But that is not all. A little bit later I entered the shop of my friend John to ask him something. During the conversation the T – shirt came to my mind again and John laughed also when I said to him: “DEATH our nations number one killer.”

Do people think that is funny. Is that slogan unusual?

DEATH is also called the “grim reaper”. DEATH is the international reaper. Death is the number one killer of all the nations.

Usually you have to wait until you come to the last pages of a book to find out who the killer is. But this is too serious. That’s why I am telling you right at the beginning who the killer is. The killer is the devil. You know that already? Good!

DEATH is in the hands of the devil. That makes the devil the killer. We fear the devil, the killer. He is holding us in slavery all the days of our lives.

Since death is in the hands of the devil and the devil has been sinning from beginning death is sin.

But the Lord Jesus Christ died for us and by his death destroyed the devil. We have freedom through the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ is also our high priest and made atonement for our sins.


Please read Hebrews 2:14-18; First John 3:8 in the BIBLE!