I saw a really big sticker on one side of the rental car, which was just about to take off. I raced towards it and talked to the two ladies occupying the vehicle. My question was of course, “What does the sticker “WORLD HARMONY RUN” on your car mean? Do you have any literature, leaflets or something?”

While I received the literature, I had some more questions; but I had to be quick, because they had to hurry to an appointment. No, the run had nothing to do with religion and the Bible, I was told.

I said to them, “I have also literature about ‘World Harmony’, produced myself, but not with me.” They would have taken it, I am sure. Another missed opportunity. Why did I not have any tracts on me?

The WORLD HARMONY RUN 2008 started on 8 Sep. (Cape Reinga) and is going to finish on 1 Oct. (Invercargill).

On one of the leaflets I received was written, “We all carry within us a flame of HOPE – a yearning for a better world and a brighter FUTURE. As the World Harmony Run torch passes from hand to hand, so the rising flame of HOPE spreads from heart to heart, encircling the globe.”

HOPE and FUTURE again!

Please type those two words into SEARCH and read more about the FUTURE and our HOPE!


One thought on “WORLD HARMONY RUN 2008

  1. Hallo Werner,

    vielleicht für Dich interessant.
    Ein Link auf die offiziele Seite des World Harmony Runs.
    (official site)

    Währe interessant aus Deiner arbeit in Deiner Mission zu erfahren.

    Richard / Südlich des Weißwurstäquators -> Bayern. 🙂

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