I read this recently on a big poster:

“Thankfully, refinancing to get control of your life is about as demanding as this. (Picture of a piece of cake) We’d like to show you how refinancing for a better FUTURE really is a piece of cake.”

The BIBLE, the word of the living God says in Romans 13:8 : Owe nothing to anyone- except for the obligation to love one another.” END OF STORY ! You may have read this “END of Story” in other advertisements, for example, “Made to last-End of Story” etc.

Owe nothing to anyone-End of Story!

But is it? NO, for most of mankind it is not!

If we would do what the BIBLE says, we would not have to worry about A BETTER FUTURE and TO GET CONTROL OF OUR LIFE as the poster is telling us.

If we would do what the BIBLE says, we would have a better future, not only in this life, but also in the life to come. And remember, that the LORD should be in control of our lives and not we. Once the Lord is in control of our lives, we are also in control of our finances.
